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Remote Patient Monitoring System

Where sustainability join hands with technology, better solutions are guaranteed

Healthcare at Home

Health care at home has become the need of the hour today. Especially, when the pandemic struck, the importance of offering patients who were anticipated to reduce travel and direct contact with others remote patient monitoring services became even more clear. This was acknowledged by the government as well, which is why, among other modifications that promoted the rising use of RPM, it expanded Medicare coverage of RPM services from merely those with chronic conditions to those with chronic and/or acute conditions. People are unwilling and don’t have time to go and visit a doctor. Home convenience and diagnostic services are what people are looking for.

What is a Remote Patient Monitoring System?

The virtual adoption of healthcare and providing telemedicine facilities include remote patient monitoring systems.

RPM can monitor patients with chronic and acute conditions between clinic visits or when in-person care is unavailable. RPM helps clinicians monitor patients in real time, collect data, and improve chronic care outcomes. Patients with chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, asthma, hypertension, mental illness, and, more recently, long COVID (long-term symptoms after COVID-19 infection and recovery) benefit from continuous tracking.

How are we Bringing Healthcare at Home?

Remote Health Patient Monitoring System

To achieve health care at home, A4ConServ has embraced digital innovations. Making health care easy access through alternative medicine and doctors on call via an application- remote patient monitoring system. This application is an aggregator for doctors, hospitals and patients. Getting health care at home in 4 simple steps:

Step 1: Doctor’s Onboarding

A doctor can sign up on the portal and get onboarded in either of 2 ways:

  1. Self onboarding via website
  2. Admin onboarding 
Step 2: Doctor’s Directory

Once the doctor is onboarded, patient can look for doctor’s directory i.e. searching for doctors with specific specialization within a specific geography

Step 3: Patient’s Onboarding

A patient can sign up on the portal and get onboarded in either of 2 ways:

  1. Self sign up via website or app
  2. Admin onboarding 
Step 4: Our AI driven Ailment Master

Our application of a remote patient monitoring system will allow patients to enter details like temperature, pulse, heart rate etc using external means (other apps, medical devices etc.)

Based on the symptoms, the doctors will be suggested by our beautifully designed Ailment Master.

What more is there for you?